Privacy statement and disclaimer

Privacy statement

The privacy of the visitors and customers of is at all times respected. No data is gathered and stored of the visitors of this website, except:

  • When a customers fills in their e-mail address at the bottom of one of the pages*
  • For user flow analysis Google Analytics is used**

* When you fill in your e-mail address, a one-time e-mail is sent to this address as a reminder to apply for the visa for Cambodia. The e-mail address isn't stored anywhere and won't be forwarded to third parties or used for other purposes.

** Google Analytics only uses non-personally identifiable (anonymous) data in order to obtain an impression of how users use this website.


This website has been put together with the utmost care. Regardless, it may occur that an error or incompleteness is found. does not carry any responsibility for the consequences of using this information. This is a commercial website. is in no way part of a government organisation.